645 Cleveland Street, Clearwater, FL 33755
Phone: 727-443-7300

Business Exchange Club

Thank you for taking the time to read this information.  I am Keanan Kintzel and co-founder of Blue Hawk Exchange. Why did we create this company?  Good question. The simple answer is my business friends and I had an epiphany one day that we were sharing our collective network with others who were not rewarding us properly for these new connections. We have many stories…

That said, it just seemed like the right thing to do.  We have evolved from just a few of us helping each other create leads, sales and new deals and acquisitions, into an expanding network across the Tampa Bay Area and beyond.

If you are interested in finding out more details how we can be of help to you, please do not hesitate to call.  And as always, I’m available more anytime to share some laughs over a nice cup of coffee.

Some Affiliates We Work With


Stellar business training for owners, executive and staff that can drive success and expansion. The main areas of training are Executive, Human Resources, Marketing, Finance, Delivery, Quality Control and Sales.  

Titan is now helping entrepreneurs, small to large company owners and their management and staff teams to be more productive. And, when people are more productive, they tend to be more happy.

If interested please visit LEARN MORE

Buzzazz Business Services

Founded in 1999 near Chicago, Buzzazz opened an office here in Tampa Bay in 2005.  Since then they have helped many thousands of business owners with their digital ads, websites, customized APP’s, email marketing, etc.

If you know anyone in need of getting more customers, patients or clients – Buzzazz can certainly help.  

For more info on digital marketing, visit www.buzzazz.com

Robert Hall & Associates

Corporate and taxation issues can be a headache, for just about anyone.  This is why we have created a strong relationship with a Los Angeles based agency that has been in business for five decades and is now run by second and third generation executives.  By them having a presence here in Tampa Bay, we are able to have the wealth of experience needed for both local and world wide ventures.

For more information please contact us at 727-443-7300

WABAMM Charity Coalition

Tampa Bay has long been in need of a web platform that services the local area families providing family friendly events, things to do, local businesses, etc.

Now, we have upgraded this platform for the good folks of Tampa to include wonderful non profit organizations and churches all striving to help our community be better for those that live and visit.

For more information please visit www.wabamm.com


A few years ago the local businesses within Clearwater got together to forge a new powerful alliance.  Amplify Clearwater is now one of the largest and most successful Chambers of Commerce in Florida.  

For more information visit www.amplifyclearwater.com

Capstone Realty – A Brokers Brokerage

With the ever changing landscape, no pun intended, within the world of real estate, it takes all of us Brokers working together to help provide buyers and sellers the best experience possible. In this way we can help provide systems, training and tools to all of the local and remote agents involved in our areas real estate transactions.

For more information please contact us at 727-443-7300

Exchange Focused Networking 

Networking, when done correctly, has a very long history of helping drive Free Enterprise around the globe. After obtaining his aeronautical engineering degree from Purdue University, Craig Kintzel, father of two of our founders, became a Top Gun Navy pilot flying F-8U’s off the USS Oriskany in the early days of Vietnam and then a Captain with American Airlines.

Along the way, a pilot friend introduced him to a direct sales and management opportunity that helped him 10X his family income so they could enjoy a lifestyle only dreamed of by the farm kids he grew up with.  We have studied these methods and technologies for six decades and can help easily and affordably bring them to your business too.

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Proudly Serving Greater Tampa Bay